engaging organisations for future proof transformation

About me

Working in a number of senior positions within the  hospitality industry leaders like Disney and Accor has taught me one overarching lesson. Namely, that it all comes down to people – their passion, strengths, dreams, and ambition. So in this current time of constant change we can only transform organisations with people. Within this context, organisations need to release the purpose and the positive energy that is in everyone. By trusting them more than they might trust themselves, we can create a transparent workplace culture where people are free to grow by giving access to the tools they need in order to learn and transform. These essentials make it possible to tackle any challenge, no matter how difficult or complex.


Ultimately, a people focus approach is the only way to deliver the transformation we need across the hospitality, leisure and service industry. Today, we need to quickly adapt to the new world of personalization, one that both guests and employees are expecting. Only through cultural transformation will we succeed at bringing the digital, structural and imaginative transformations needed to remain a main player and succeed in business.


I believe in the power of diverse teams. It has been proven that diverse teams bring better business results. Diversity and inclusion were one of my first priorities when, in 2009, I became Accor’s first female Managing Director in the Netherlands, before moving on to larger Benelux and Worldwide positions.


I try to be an inspiring, energetic, fair, and goal-oriented leader. I pride myself on the energy levels and drive that enable me to give people a sense of purpose, so that together we achieve and boost whatever needs to get done. I am inspired by people who care about their work and dare to challenge themselves.


Above all, I am passionate about making the world better by helping to create a healthy, transparent and daring culture where everyone can be and work at their best and by doing so improve business results.



"Leaders never stop learning"